

(Note: use this way to install must have been completed build steps)

Install KBEngine on a (Windows/Centos/Redhat/Debian/Ubuntu etc.) server, in your terminal input:

python kbengine/kbe/tools/server/install/ install

if you don’t want to trust a script, install KBEngine manually.

Manual Installation

1. Create user kbe(optional)

Create a separate user to run KBEngine will be more secure and reliable, and easy to maintain.

If you have a better understanding, you can ignore this section, the direct use of your current user.


	[root @ localhost ~] # useradd kbe
	[root @ localhost ~] # passwd pwd123456

	New UNIX password: ******
	Retype new UNIX password: ******
	passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully


	"Control Panel" -> "User Accounts" -> "Create a new account"

2. To set environment variables:(optional)

(Note: Scripts that start the server in server-assets can be used to automate temporary environment variables, so there are no particularly complex deployment requirements to skip this section.)

KBEngine can read KBE_ROOT, KBE_RES_PATH, KBE_BIN_PATH system environment variables to do something.

Environment variables description:

	uid is used to distinguish between different server groups, 
	if multiple servers distributed server maintenance KBE then uid must be the same on each server, 
	uid must be greater than 0 and less than 32767.
	(Note: Windows system account no UID attribute, Users need to add this environment variable)


	kbe root directory path.


	Related Resources path with ':' or ';' separated, the first "respath" is kbe engine "respath", 
	the second "respath" must be the root user scripts, others without limitation.


	kbe binary file directory path.

To set environment variables:

Linux: (if kbe be installed in ~/ directory)

	[kbe@localhost ~]# vim ~/.bashrc

	ulimit -c unlimited
	export KBE_ROOT=~/kbengine/
	export KBE_RES_PATH=$KBE_ROOT/kbe/res/:$KBE_ROOT/assets/:$KBE_ROOT/assets/scripts/:$KBE_ROOT/assets/res/
	export KBE_BIN_PATH=$KBE_ROOT/kbe/bin/server/

	The environmental variables are available:
	[kbe@localhost ~]$ source ~/.bashrc

	Root to set the user-kbe uid:
	[root@localhost ~]# usermod -u 10103 kbe
	uid is used to distinguish between different server groups, 
	if multiple servers distributed server maintenance KBE then uid must be the same on each server, 
	uid must be greater than 0 and less than 32767.


	The right mouse button: "My Computer"->"Advanced"->"Environment Variables" Set up(If installed in C drive).

	KBE_ROOT = C:/kbengine/
	KBE_RES_PATH = %KBE_ROOT%/kbe/res;%KBE_ROOT%/assets/;%KBE_ROOT%/assets/scripts;%KBE_ROOT%/assets/res/
	KBE_BIN_PATH = %KBE_ROOT%/kbe/bin/server/

	uid is used to distinguish between different server groups, 
	if multiple servers distributed server maintenance KBE then uid must be the same on each server, 
	uid must be greater than 0 and less than 32767.

	(Note: Windows system account no UID attribute, Users need to add this environment variable, 
	UID must be greater than 0 and less than 32767)
	UID = 10103

3. Setup the database:

Install Mysql:


	[root @ localhost ~]# yum install mysql-server
	Set to start automatically
	[root @ localhost ~]# chkconfig mysqld on

	Service mysql start
	[root @ localhost ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start

	Check the status of the service
	[root@localhost ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld status
	mysqld (pid  9234) is running...


	Download and install the latest version of:

	(Service MySQL restart, CMD input:)
	net stop mysql
	net start mysql

	Check whether Mysql case sensitive:
	mysql> create database NEWTEST;
	mysql> show databases;
	| Database           |
	| information_schema |
	| NEWTEST            |
	| mysql              |
	| test               |
	4 row in set (0.00 sec)

Create a database, name is “kbe”

	mysql> create database kbe;

Delete anonymous user

	mysql> use mysql 
	mysql> delete from user where user=''; 

Create a database account, username is “kbe” and password is “pwd123456”

	mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to kbe@'%' identified by 'pwd123456';
	mysql> grant select,insert,update,delete,create,drop on *.* to kbe@'%' identified by 'pwd123456';

	Test whether the CMD can use this account login mysql(Note that the default mysql port is 3306, 
	you can modify kbengine_defaults.xml->dbmgr-><port>330x</port>),
	If an error occurs, please google mysql error code.
		Enter your mysql installation directory to find mysql.exe, 
		enter the directory and then execute cmd following statement:
		C:\mysql\bin> mysql -ukbe -ppwd123456 -hlocalhost -P3306

		[root@localhost ~] mysql -ukbe -ppwd123456 -hlocalhost -P3306

If you want to modify the database name, Modify the databaseName in res\server[kbengine_defaults.xml] of dbmgr section (recommended assets\res\server[kbengine.xml] overloaded modifications).

4. Optimization of the operating system(Linux) (Optional)

Set /etc/security/limits.conf:

	soft nofile 65535
	hard nofile 65535

Defines the maximum send/receive window size:

	[root@localhost ~]# echo 524288 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max
	[root@localhost ~]# echo 524288 > /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max

	Can be adjusted[kbengine_defaults.xml]->channelCommon->***BufferSize

see: High-performance Linux server configuration

5: Multi-card(NIC) configurations: (Optional)

If eth0 is external, eth1 is the internal(Linux only):

	/sbin/ip route del broadcast dev eth0
	/sbin/ip route add broadcast dev eth1
Please set (kbengine.xml kbengine_defaults.xml):
	baseapp 	: externalInterface = eth0, internalInterface = eth1
	loginapp	: externalInterface = eth0, internalInterface = eth1
	interfaces 	: externalInterface = eth0, internalInterface = eth1
	[others]	: externalInterface = eth1, internalInterface = eth1

	(Note: eth0, eth1 is the card name, also can set the IP address or MAC address)

6. Linux firewall: (Optional)

see: Linux firewall settings

7. The LAN, the deployment of multiple KBE server settings: (optional)

What is the KBE server group? The maintenance of a game world server group, The server contains the entire KBE-layout.

Multiple users in the same LAN, And they want to install KBE-server, Then they need to pay attention to:

1: Environment variables UID must not be the same (see the system if there are set too UID)
	UID is used to distinguish between different server groups.

2: cid startup script must be unique(kbengine\kbe\bin\server\start***)
	*** --cid=(must be unique) --grouporder=1  --globalorder=1
	cid is componentID, Used to identify a KBE-APP, If two different cid exist, will inevitably lead to conflict.

8. IP and port settings: (optional)

The detailed configuration:kbengine.xml

Database IP:


Database port:


Login IP(Client):

(Because reading is the address of NIC, some reasons may not be able to obtain the correct IP address. For example, port mapping mode with the network interaction, this should be set to [kbengine_defaults.xml]->loginapp->externalAddress)

Login port(Client):


The HTTP callback (EMAIL authentication, the password reset, etc.):


Baseapp IP:

(Because reading is the address of NIC, some reasons may not be able to obtain the correct IP address. For example, port mapping mode with the network interaction, this should be set to [kbengine_defaults.xml]->loginapp->externalAddress)

Baseapp port:


The Telnet service port(baseapp):


The Telnet service port(cellapp):


Virtual client, log on to the server side IP (stress testing):


Virtual client, log on to the server side port (stress testing):


Virtual client, Telnet service port:


Provide tools explicit connection port:


Interfaces IP:


Interfaces port:


Request address third party billing service (billing, login, etc.):


Request port third party billing service (billing, login, etc.):


Third party service callback port (billing, login, etc.):
