
The server directory structure

|- kbengine							(KBE_ROOT path)
	|- assets						(Game project assets)
		|- res						(All resource projects)
			|- spaces				(Usually associated storage resource game scenes, such Navmesh)
			|- server				(Usually placed Server Configuration)
		|- scripts				(All game logic, python file)
			|- base				(Base of Python logic)
			|- cell				(Cell of Python logic)
			|- client			(Client of Python logic)
			|- bots				(Bots of Python logic, Stress Test)
			|- common			(Logic public folders)
			|- data				(Game logic used data resources)
			|- db				(Dbmgr Extended Script)
			|- entity_defs			(Entity definitions and declarations)
				|- interfaces		(Interface declaration entity)
			|- server_common		(Server logic public)
			|- user_type			(Custom user type directory)
	   |- kbe						(Engine Directory)
		|- tools					(Engine Tools)
			|- server				(Server Tools)
				|- guiconsole			(Console visualization tool)
				|- install			(Engine installation tool)
				|- pycluster			(Cross-platform cluster-control Python tool)
			|- xlsx2py				(Game Data Sheet export tool)
		|- src						(KBEngine source code)
			|- build				(Public makefile script)
			|- client				(Client plug-in directory and examples)
				|- kbengine_dll			(Windows application plug-in source code)
			|- common				(Public directory)
			|- lib					(Modules source code)
				|- client_lib			(Client c++ public-framework)
				|- cstdkbe			(The KBEngine standard library)
				|- db_mysql			(Mysql access)
				|- dbmgr_lib			(Data Access Common Interface)
				|- dependencies			(Dependencies)
				|- entitydef			(Entity definition parsing module)
				|- helper			(Helpers)
				|- math				(Math Module)
				|- navigation			(2D/3D navigation module)
				|- network			(Network Module)
				|- pyscript			(Script plug-in)
				|- python			(Python sources)
				|- resmgr			(The resource manager)
				|- server			(Servers public module)
				|- thread			(Thread module)
				|- xmlplus			(Xml parsing)
			|- libs					(Compiled *. Lib, *. A files)
			|- server				(Server-apps sources)
				|- baseapp			(Baseapp sources)
				|- baseappmgr			(Baseappmgr sources)
				|- cellapp			(Cellapp sources)
				|- cellappmgr			(Cellappmgr sources)
				|- dbmgr			(Dbmgr sources)
				|- loginapp			(Loginapp sources)
				|- machine			(Machine sources)
				|- resourcemgr			(Resourcemgr sources)
				|- tools			(The assistant tool)
					|- interfaces		(Support for third-party billing, third-party accounts, etc.)
					|- bots			(Stress test, the virtual client, sources)
					|- guiconsole		(Visualization tool for console, sources)
					|- message_log		(Server log collection tool, sources)
		|- res						(Engine Resource Directory)
			|- key					(RSA key)
			|- scripts				(Python script library)
			|- server				(Server engine configuration)
				|- log4cxx_properties		(Log4cxx configuration)
		|- doc						(Guide document source code)
		|- bin						(Compiled executable files storage directory)
			|- client				(Client.exe executable files storage directory)
			|- server				(Compiled executable files server storage directory)
				|- logs				(Server running log)
	   |- tutorial						(Guide document)