


◇ VS 2010 - error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt:

* Either disable incremental linking, by going to 
	Project Properties 
	   -> Configuration Properties 
	       -> Linker (General) 
	          -> Enable Incremental Linking -> "No (/INCREMENTAL:NO)"

* or install VS2010 SP1.

◇ kbengine\kbe\src\lib\dependencies\apr\encoding\apr_escape.c(109): error C2065: “test_char_table”: undeclared identifier

May be the anti-virus software to kill kbengine\kbe\src\lib\dependencies\apr\LibD\gen_test_char.exe (APR for the generation of header files).
Please make sure that the safety, adjustment of antivirus software, ignore the check gen_test_char.exe.

◇ clientapp.cs(30,94): error CS1729: The type KBEngine.KBEngineApp* does not contain a constructor that takes 3* arguments

1: Use git to update the KBE plugin(
	In the kbengine_unity3d_** directory:
	* Git command: git submodule update --init
	* Or use TortoiseGit(menu): TortoiseGit -> Submodule Update:

2: Or manually update the plugin
	git clone
	clone to Assets/plugins/kbengine/kbengine_unity3d_plugins

3: Build:
	Unity Editor -> File -> Build Settings -> PC, MAC & Linux Standalone.

◇ if_Entity_error_use____git_submodule_updatekbengine_plugins____open_this_file_and_I_will_tell_you.cs(9,128): error CS0246: The type or namespace name Entity* could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

1: Use git to update the KBE plugin(
	In the kbengine_unity3d_** directory:
	* Git command: git submodule update --init
	* Or use TortoiseGit(menu): TortoiseGit -> Submodule Update:

2: Or manually update the plugin
	git clone
	clone to Assets/plugins/kbengine/kbengine_unity3d_plugins

3: Build:
	Unity Editor -> File -> Build Settings -> PC, MAC & Linux Standalone.


◇ ERROR loginapp [2014-11-04 11:40:08,780] - BundleBroadcast::receive: is failed(please check {firewall rule => broadcastaddr not is LAN ?})!

* Turn off the firewall.
* Firewall settings, to ensure that the internal network can receive and send UDP packets.
* If multiple card(NIC) environment, you need to set up KBEngine.
	see also:

◇ WARN loginapp [2014-11-05 09:22:47,199] - PacketReader::processMessages: invalide msgID=25702, msglen=1, from

ERROR loginapp [2014-11-05 09:22:47,199] - Channel::condemn[0x4aa81d8]: channel(

This error occurred during logon,Very has the possibility is the server and the client version mismatch,Please ensure consistent version. 
The server and the demo source code:


◇ KBEngine uses what network protocol?

cluster built using the UDP, other TCP.

◇ KBEngine uses what network programming model?

Usually run on Linux system, so in Linux is `epoll`, the production environment in Windows is more convenient, so KBEngine also support Windows system, the network model is a simple `select`.

◇ The limit load of KBEngine?

Frequently asked load-limit, KBEngine is designed to be multi-process distributed dynamic load balancing scheme, in theory only need to expand hardware can increase load-limit, the single machine load-limit depends on complexity of logic of the game itself.