
Server Configuration(kbe/res/server/kbengine_defaults.xml)

If you need to change the configuration of the engine, as long as the inheritance ({assets}[/res/server/kbengine.xml]) this configuration file and overwrite the corresponding section kbengine_defaults.xml, but doing so will not damage the engine settings, there is no conflict in the development along with updated engine or multiple projects.

###Detailed configuration:

	<!-- Update frequency process -->
	<gameUpdateHertz> 10 </gameUpdateHertz>

	<!-- The data sent to the client, the second bandwidth limit (bit) -->
	<bitsPerSecondToClient> 20000 </bitsPerSecondToClient> <!-- Type: Integer -->
	<!-- Non-0 is not optimized, Force all packets contain length information, Some convenient docking protocol client.
	What of data packet length information does not? All packages can be calculated in advance 
	and never change the size of the package with no length information. -->
	<!-- Whether the contents of the log output packet
			0: Not output
			1: 16 hexadecimal output
			2: Stringstream output
			3: 10 hexadecimal output
			Whether the use of other log files ? such as:
			Some messages are not output
	<!-- Whether the output the logs: create the entity, Script get attributes, 
		Initialization attributes information, Def information. -->

		<!-- apps released state, This value can be obtained in the script, KBEngine.publish()
			Type: Integer8
			0 : debug
			1 : release
			Other custom

		<!-- Script layer released version number -->
		<script_version> 0.1.0 </script_version>
		<!-- If long (configurable value) no communication, channel will be kicked out of the server. -->
			<internal> 60.0 </internal>
			<external> 60.0 </external>
		<!-- socket send/recv buffer size -->
			<internal>	16777216	</internal> 				<!-- 16M -->
			<external>	0		</external>				<!-- system default -->
			<internal>	16777216	</internal>				<!-- 16M -->
			<external>	0		</external>				<!-- system default -->
		<!-- A tick, the value of the send/receive window overflow, 0 is unlimited -->
					<critical>	128			</critical>
					<internal>	65535		</internal>
					<external>	256			</external>
					<internal>	0			</internal>
					<external>	0			</external>
					<critical>	24			</critical>
					<internal>	65535		</internal>
					<external>	32			</external>
					<internal>	0			</internal>
					<external>	2048		</external>
		<!-- Encrypted communication, channel-external only
			Optional encryption:
				0: No Encryption
				1: Blowfish
				2: RSA (res\key\kbengine_private.key)
		<encrypt_type> 1 </encrypt_type>
	<!-- Countdown to shutdown the server(seconds) -->
	<shutdown_time> 60.0 </shutdown_time>

	<!-- Shutdown the server, if you have not completed the task, the server needs to wait for the end of the mission.
	Time(seconds) for each waiting. -->
	<shutdown_waittick> 1.0 </shutdown_waittick>
	<!-- The callback: default timeout(seconds) -->
	<callback_timeout> 300.0 </callback_timeout>
		<!-- default timeout(seconds) -->
		<timeout> 300.0 </timeout>
		<init_create> 1 </init_create>
		<pre_create> 2 </pre_create>
		<max_create> 8 </max_create>
	<!-- Email services, providing the account verification, password recovery, etc. -->
			Account Type:
			normal: default handling the current process, 
			thirdparty: handled by third-party service providers 
		<accountType> normal </accountType>
			Charge Type:
			normal: default handling the current process, 
			thirdparty: handled by third-party service providers 
		<chargeType> normal </chargeType>
		<!-- Interfaces address, multiple gameserver can share a Interfaces -->
		<host> localhost </host>
		<port> 30099 	</port>
		<!-- Orders timeout(seconds) -->
		<orders_timeout> 3600 	</orders_timeout>
		<!-- Third-party account service interfaces, such as:, 
			When the accountType is thirdparty, is valid.
		<thirdpartyAccountService_port> 80 </thirdpartyAccountService_port>
		<!-- Third-party charge service interfaces, such as:, 
			When the chargeType is thirdparty, is valid. 
		<thirdpartyChargeService_port> 80 </thirdpartyChargeService_port>
		<!-- interfaces and third-party service providers collaborate callback address-->
		<thirdpartyService_cbport> 30040 </thirdpartyService_cbport>
		<!-- listen: Maximum listen queue -->
		<!-- Debug mode can output the read and write informations -->
		<debug> false </debug>
		<!-- Check whether the defs-MD5 -->
		<allowEmptyDigest> false </allowEmptyDigest>								<!-- Type: Boolean -->
		<!-- Name of the interface(NIC) -->
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<!-- Database type -->
		<type> mysql </type>											<!-- Type: String -->

		<!-- Database address -->
		<host> localhost </host>										<!-- Type: String -->
		<port> 0 </port>											<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- Database auth -->
			<username> kbe </username>									<!-- Type: String -->
			<password> kbe </password>									<!-- Type: String -->

			<!-- is true, password is RSA -->
			<encrypt> true </encrypt>
		<!-- Database name -->
		<databaseName> kbe </databaseName> 									<!-- Type: String -->

		<!-- Number of connections allowed by the database -->
		<numConnections> 5 </numConnections>									<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- Character encoding type -->
			<characterSet> utf8 </characterSet> 								<!-- Type: String -->
			<collation> utf8_bin </collation> 								<!-- Type: String -->
		<!-- Account system -->
			<!-- Name of AccountEntity -->
			<accountEntityScriptType>	Account	</accountEntityScriptType>
			<!-- Default flags a new account, Can be combined, Fill in decimal format when
				normal flag	= 0x00000000
				lock flag	= 0x000000001
				normal flag	= 0x000000002
			<accountDefaultFlags> 0 </accountDefaultFlags>							<!-- Type: Integer -->
			<!-- New account default expiration time (seconds, the engine will add the current time) -->
			<accountDefaultDeadline> 0 </accountDefaultDeadline>						<!-- Type: Integer -->

			<!-- Account registration -->
				<!-- Whether open registration -->
				<enable>	true	</enable>
				<!-- When logged in, the game database can not find the game account is automatically created -->
				<loginAutoCreate> true </loginAutoCreate>
		<!-- Entry module, like the main-function -->
		<entryScriptFile> kbengine </entryScriptFile>
		<!-- Default View radius, the script can change it -->
			<radius> 80.0 </radius>
			<hysteresisArea> 5.0 </hysteresisArea>
		<!-- Optimization EntityID,View the Entity is less than 255, 
		use an aliasID(1byte) transmitted to the client -->
		<aliasEntityID> true </aliasEntityID>
		<!-- Entity client (property or a method) is less than 256, using 1 byte transmission. -->
		<!-- Name of the interface(NIC) -->
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<!-- The entityID allocator, enter the overflow area will get the new ID's. -->
			<criticallyLowSize> 500 </criticallyLowSize>					<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- Analysis of program performance -->
			<!-- if is true, Engine start is completed, start to record profile information, 
				Process exit will export a report.
			<cprofile> false </cprofile>
			<pyprofile> false </pyprofile>
			<eventprofile> false </eventprofile>
			<mercuryprofile> false </mercuryprofile>
		<ghostDistance> 500.0 </ghostDistance>
		<ghostingMaxPerCheck> 64 </ghostingMaxPerCheck>						<!-- Type: Integer -->

		<!-- Update frequency process -->
		<ghostUpdateHertz> 30 </ghostUpdateHertz>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- Whether the use of coordinate-system, if is false, 
		View, Trap, Move and other functions will not be available -->
			<enable> true </enable>
			<!-- is maintenance Y axis? Note: Management y axis, View、Trap and other functions with the height,
			When the entity space within little more useful when, Otherwise, 
			the management of the y-axis will produce some consumption 
			<rangemgr_y> false </rangemgr_y>

			<!-- After stopping to change the position/direction, 
				the engine continued to update client information(position/direction) ticks
				If 0, then always update.
			<entity_posdir_additional_updates> 5 </entity_posdir_additional_updates>
		<!-- Telnet service, if the port is occupied backwards to try 50001 -->
			<port> 50000 </port>
			<password> kbe </password>
			<!-- layer of default the command -->
			<default_layer> python </default_layer>
		<!-- Parameter server shutdown process -->
			<!-- In per-seconds, The destruction of the number of entity's(has base) -->
			<perSecsDestroyEntitySize> 15 </perSecsDestroyEntitySize>
		<!-- Who is witness? Player is witness, The observed information will be synchronized to the client.
		Developers can be designed to: Activation (NPC / Monster) AI was observed when, This can reduce server CPU consumption.
		see also: Entity.onWitnessed. -->
			<!-- When the observer to stop observing entity, Entity does not recovery immediately to the initial-state,
			Not observed before timeout again, the recovery state. -->
			<timeout> 15 </timeout>								<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- Entry module, like the main-function -->
		<entryScriptFile> kbengine </entryScriptFile>
		<!-- Name of the interface(NIC) -->
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<externalInterface>  </externalInterface>						<!-- Type: String -->

		<!-- External IP-address or Domain-name, In some server environment, May use the port mapping to access KBE,
			So KBE on current machines on the external IP address may be a LAN IP address, Then some functions will not normal.
			For example: account activation email address given callback.
		<externalAddress>  </externalAddress>							<!-- Type: String -->

		<!-- Exposed to the client port range -->
		<externalPorts_min> 20015 </externalPorts_min>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<externalPorts_max> 20019 </externalPorts_max>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- Automatic archiving time period -->
		<archivePeriod> 100 </archivePeriod> 							<!-- Type: Float -->

		<!-- Automatic backup time period -->
		<backupPeriod> 10 </backupPeriod>							<!-- Type: Float -->

		<!-- Whether backup undefined property -->
		<backUpUndefinedProperties> 0 </backUpUndefinedProperties>				<!-- Type: Boolean -->
		<!-- Load balancing Smoothing Bias value -->
		<loadSmoothingBias> 0.01 </loadSmoothingBias>
		<!-- Download bandwidth limits -->
			<bitsPerSecondTotal> 1000000 </bitsPerSecondTotal>				<!-- Type: Int -->
			<bitsPerSecondPerClient> 100000 </bitsPerSecondPerClient>			<!-- Type: Int -->
		<!-- The entityID allocator, enter the overflow area will get the new ID's. -->
			<criticallyLowSize> 500 </criticallyLowSize>					<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- When after the disaster, When baseapp recovery, Each time the number of recovery entity's -->
		<entityRestoreSize> 32 </entityRestoreSize>
		<!-- Analysis of program performance -->
			<!-- if is true, Engine start is completed, start to record profile information, 
				Process exit will export a report.
			<cprofile> false </cprofile>
			<pyprofile> false </pyprofile>
			<eventprofile> false </eventprofile>
			<mercuryprofile> false </mercuryprofile>
		<!-- listen: Maximum listen queue -->
		<!-- Telnet service, if the port is occupied backwards to try 40001 -->
			<port> 40000 </port>
			<password> kbe </password>
			<!-- layer of default the command -->
			<default_layer> python </default_layer>
		<!-- Parameter server shutdown process -->
			<!-- In per-seconds, The destruction of the number of base's -->
			<perSecsDestroyEntitySize> 15 </perSecsDestroyEntitySize>
			<!-- Buffer size is equal to the size of resources, 
				Less than the buffer resources before they can enter the resource pool.
			<buffer_size> 1024 </buffer_size>
			<!-- Resources have not been accessed overtime will be destroyed (s) -->
			<timeout> 600 </timeout>
			<!-- Resource pool check tick (secs) -->
		<!-- Name of the interface(NIC) -->
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<!-- Name of the interface(NIC) -->
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<!-- Name of the interface(NIC) -->
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<externalInterface>  </externalInterface>						<!-- Type: String -->

		<!-- External IP-address or Domain-name, In some server environment, May use the port mapping to access KBE,
			So KBE on current machines on the external IP address may be a LAN IP address, Then some functions will not normal.
			For example: account activation email address given callback.
		<externalAddress>  </externalAddress>							<!-- Type: String -->

		<!-- Exposed to the client port range -->
		<externalPorts_min> 20013 </externalPorts_min>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<externalPorts_max> 0 </externalPorts_max>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- The encrypted user login information
			Optional encryption:
				0: No Encryption
				1: Blowfish
				2: RSA (res\key\kbengine_private.key)
		<encrypt_login> 2 </encrypt_login>
		<!-- listen: Maximum listen queue -->
		<!-- Account types
			1: Normal Account
			2: Email Account, Note: activation required.
			3: Smart Account (Email or Normal, etc.)
		<account_type> 3 </account_type>
		<!-- Http-callback interface, handling authentication, password reset, etc. -->
		<http_cbhost> localhost </http_cbhost>
		<http_cbport> 21103 </http_cbport>
		<!-- Exposed to the tools port range -->
		<externalPorts_min> 20099 </externalPorts_min>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<externalPorts_max> 0 </externalPorts_max>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- Name of the interface(NIC) -->
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>

		<!-- loginapp address -->
		<host> localhost </host>								<!-- Type: String -->
		<port> 20013 </port>									<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- After starting the process, automatically add some robots
			totalcount	: Add the total-number
			ticktime	: Interval time-secs
			tickcount	: Each time you add the number of
			<totalcount> 10  </totalcount> <!-- Type: Integer -->
			<ticktime> 0.1  </ticktime> <!-- Type: Float -->
			<tickcount> 2  </tickcount> <!-- Type: Integer -->

		<!-- about bots-accounts -->
			<!-- The account name prefix -->
			<account_name_prefix>		bot_	</account_name_prefix>
			<!-- The account name suffix, 0 is the use of random number, Otherwise, use baseNum and increasing. -->
			<account_name_suffix_inc>	0		</account_name_suffix_inc><!-- Type: Integer -->

		<!-- Telnet service, if the port is occupied backwards to try 51001 -->
			<port> 51000 </port>
			<password> kbe </password>
			<!-- layer of default the command -->
			<default_layer> python </default_layer>
		<!-- Name of the interface(NIC) -->
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>

		<!-- The number of single-process(baseapp, cellapp, etc..), The number of log a tick buffer. -->
		<tick_max_buffered_logs> 65535 </tick_max_buffered_logs>

		<!-- The number of single-process(baseapp, cellapp, etc..), A tick synchronization to the number of logger -->
		<tick_sync_logs> 32 </tick_sync_logs>