

如果你需要改变引擎设置, 请在({assets}/res/server/kbengine.xml)中覆盖kbe/res/server/kbengine_defaults.xml的对应参数来修改, 这样的好处是不会破坏引擎的默认设置,在你更新引擎时也不会产生冲突,以及在多个逻辑项目时不会影响到其他的项目设置。


	<!-- 游戏逻辑处理频率 
		(Update frequency process)
	<gameUpdateHertz> 10 </gameUpdateHertz>
	<!-- 每秒发送到客户端的带宽限制(bit) 
		(The data sent to the client, the second bandwidth limit (bit))
	<bitsPerSecondToClient> 20000 </bitsPerSecondToClient>							<!-- Type: Integer -->
	<!-- 非0则不优化, 不带包长信息的包强制都携带长度信息, 某些情况下方便某些前端对接协议
	什么样的包不带长度信息? 所有能够预先计算出包大小的且永远不变的包不带长度信息, 
	(Non-0 is not optimized, Force all packets contain length information, Some convenient docking protocol client.
	What of data packet length information does not? All packages can be calculated in advance 
	and never change the size of the package with no length information.) 
	<!-- 是否需要将任何接收和发送的包以文本输出到log中提供调试
		(Whether the contents of the log output packet)
			0: 不输出(Not output)
			1: 16进制输出(16 hexadecimal output)
			2: 字符流输出(Stringstream output)
			3: 10进制输出(10 hexadecimal output)
			(Whether the use of other log files ? such as:)
			(Some messages are not output)
	<!-- 是否输出entity的创建, 脚本获取属性, 初始化属性等调试信息, 以及def信息 
		(Whether the output the logs: create the entity, Script get attributes, 
			Initialization attributes information, Def information.)

		<!-- 发布状态, 可在脚本中获取该值。 KBEngine.publish()
			(apps released state, This value can be obtained in the script. KBEngine.publish())
			Type: Integer8
			0 : debug
			1 : release
			其他自定义(Other custom)

		<!-- 脚本层发布的版本号
			(Script layer released version number)
		<script_version> 0.1.0 </script_version>
		<!-- 最后一次通信时间超过此时间则被认定为超时通道, 服务器将踢出该通道 
			(If long (configurable value) no communication, channel will be kicked out of the server.)
			<internal> 60.0 </internal>
			<external> 60.0 </external>
		<!-- socket读写缓冲大小 
			(socket send/recv buffer size)
			<internal>	16777216		</internal> 				<!-- 16M -->
			<external>	0			</external>				<!-- 系统默认(system default) -->
			<internal>	16777216		</internal>				<!-- 16M -->
			<external>	0			</external>				<!-- 系统默认(system default) -->
		<!-- 一个tick内发送与接收窗口溢出值,0无限制
			(A tick, the value of the send/receive window overflow, 0 is unlimited)
					<critical>	128			</critical>
					<internal>	65535		</internal>
					<external>	256			</external>
					<internal>	0			</internal>
					<external>	0			</external>
					<critical>	24			</critical>
					<internal>	65535		</internal>
					<external>	32			</external>
					<internal>	0			</internal>
					<external>	2048		</external>
		<!-- 加密通信,只对外部通道
			(Encrypted communication, channel-external only)
			可选择的加密方式(Optional encryption):
				0: 无加密(No Encryption)
				1: Blowfish
				2: RSA (res\key\kbengine_private.key)
		<encrypt_type> 1 </encrypt_type>
	<!-- 关服倒计时(秒) 
		(Countdown to shutdown the server(seconds))
	<shutdown_time> 60.0 </shutdown_time>
	<!-- 关闭服务器的时候, 如果有未完成的任务, 服务器需要等待任务结束。
	(Shutdown the server, if you have not completed the task, the server needs to wait for the end of the mission.
		Time(seconds) for each waiting.)
	<shutdown_waittick> 1.0 </shutdown_waittick>
	<!-- callback默认超时时间(秒) 
		(The callback: default timeout(seconds))
	<callback_timeout> 300.0 </callback_timeout>
		<!-- 默认超时时间(秒) 
			(default timeout(seconds))
		<timeout> 300.0 </timeout>
		<init_create> 1 </init_create>
		<pre_create> 2 </pre_create>
		<max_create> 8 </max_create>
	<!-- Email服务, 提供账号验证, 密码找回等等。
		(Email services, providing the account verification, password recovery, etc.)
			账号的类型(Account Type):
			normal: 默认当前进程处理(default handling the current process), 
			thirdparty: 由第三方服务商处理(handled by third-party service providers) 
		<accountType> normal </accountType>
			计费的类型(Charge Type):
			normal: 默认当前进程处理(default handling the current process), 
			thirdparty: 由第三方服务商处理(handled by third-party service providers) 
		<chargeType> normal </chargeType>
		<!-- interfaces的地址,多组游戏服务端可以共用一个interfaces
			(interfaces address, multiple gameserver can share a interfaces)
		<host> localhost </host>
		<port> 30099 	</port>
		<!-- 订单超时(秒) 
			(Orders timeout(seconds))
		<orders_timeout> 3600 	</orders_timeout>
		<!-- 第三方账号服务接口,如: www.google.com, 当accountType是thirdparty时有效 
			(Third-party account service interfaces, such as: www.google.com, 
			When the accountType is thirdparty, is valid.)
		<thirdpartyAccountService_port> 80 </thirdpartyAccountService_port>
		<!-- 第三方充值服务接口 如: www.google.com, 当chargeType是thirdparty时有效 
			(Third-party charge service interfaces, such as: www.google.com, 
			When the chargeType is thirdparty, is valid.)
		<thirdpartyChargeService_port> 80 </thirdpartyChargeService_port>
		<!-- interfaces和第三方服务商协作的回调地址, 这个通道是一个未定义的协议通道, 相关协议需要开发者根据需要自己解析
			(interfaces and third-party service providers collaborate callback address)
		<thirdpartyService_cbport> 30040 </thirdpartyService_cbport>
		<!-- listen监听队列最大值
		    (listen: Maximum listen queue)
		<!-- debug模式下可输出读写操作信息
		    (Debug mode can output the read and write informations)
		<debug> false </debug>
		<!-- 是否检查defs-MD5
			(Check whether the defs-MD5) 
		<allowEmptyDigest> false </allowEmptyDigest>					<!-- Type: Boolean -->
		<!-- 接口网卡的名称
			(Name of the interface(NIC)) 
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<!-- 数据库类型 
			(Database type)
		<type> mysql </type>											<!-- Type: String -->
		<!-- 数据库地址 
			(Database address)
		<host> localhost </host>										<!-- Type: String -->
		<port> 0 </port>												<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- 数据库账号验证 
			(Database auth)
			<username> kbe </username>									<!-- Type: String -->
			<password> kbe </password>									<!-- Type: String -->
			<!-- 为true则表示password是加密(rsa)的, 可防止明文配置 
				(is true, password is RSA)
			<encrypt> true </encrypt>
		<!-- 数据库名称 
			(Database name)
		<databaseName> kbe </databaseName> 								<!-- Type: String -->
		<!-- 数据库允许的连接数 
			(Number of connections allowed by the database)
		<numConnections> 5 </numConnections>							<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- 字符编码类型 
			(Character encoding type)
			<characterSet> utf8 </characterSet> 						<!-- Type: String -->
			<collation> utf8_bin </collation> 							<!-- Type: String -->
		<!-- 账号系统
			(Account system)
			<!-- 账号Entity的名称
			    (Name of AccountEntity)
			<accountEntityScriptType>	Account	</accountEntityScriptType>
			<!-- 新账号默认标记(可组合,填写时按十进制格式) 
				(Default flags a new account, Can be combined, Fill in decimal format when)
				常规标记(normal flag)	= 0x00000000
				锁定标记(lock flag)	= 0x000000001
				未激活标记(normal flag)	= 0x000000002
			<accountDefaultFlags> 0 </accountDefaultFlags>							<!-- Type: Integer -->
			<!-- 新账号默认过期时间(秒, 引擎会加上当前时间) 
				(New account default expiration time (seconds, the engine will add the current time))
			<accountDefaultDeadline> 0 </accountDefaultDeadline>						<!-- Type: Integer -->

			<!-- 账号注册相关
				(Account registration)
				<!-- 是否开放注册 
					(Whether open registration)
				<enable>	true	</enable>
				<!-- 登录合法时游戏数据库找不到游戏账号则自动创建 
					(When logged in, the game database can not find the game account is automatically created)
				<loginAutoCreate> true </loginAutoCreate>
		<!-- 入口模块, 相当于main函数 
			(Entry module, like the main-function)
		<entryScriptFile> kbengine </entryScriptFile>
		<!-- 默认View半径, 脚本中可以改变它 
			(Default View radius, the script can change it)
			<radius> 80.0 </radius>
			<hysteresisArea> 5.0 </hysteresisArea>
		<!-- 优化EntityID,View范围内实体数小于255个, EntityID传输到client时使用1字节别名ID 
			(Optimization EntityID,View the Entity is less than 255, 
			use an aliasID(1byte) transmitted to the client)
		<aliasEntityID> true </aliasEntityID>
		<!-- 优化Entity属性和方法在广播时所消耗的带宽,Entity客户端属性或者客户端方法不超过255时, 
			(Entity client (property or a method) is less than 256, using 1 byte transmission.)
		<!-- 接口网卡的名称
			(Name of the interface(NIC)) 
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<!-- entityID分配器,进入溢出范围则请求获取新的ID资源 
			(The entityID allocator, enter the overflow area will get the new ID's)
			<criticallyLowSize> 500 </criticallyLowSize>							<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- 程序的性能分析
			(Analysis of program performance) 
			<!-- 如果设置为true,引擎启动时就会开始记录相关profile信息, 进程退出后将导出一份报告 
				(if is true, Engine start is completed, start to record profile information, 
				Process exit will export a report.)
			<cprofile> false </cprofile>
			<pyprofile> false </pyprofile>
			<eventprofile> false </eventprofile>
			<mercuryprofile> false </mercuryprofile>
		<ghostDistance> 500.0 </ghostDistance>
		<ghostingMaxPerCheck> 64 </ghostingMaxPerCheck>								<!-- Type: Integer -->

		<!-- ghost更新频率 
			(Update frequency process)
		<ghostUpdateHertz> 30 </ghostUpdateHertz>								<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- 是否使用坐标系统, 如果设置为false, 那么View、Trap、 Move等功能将不可用 
			(Whether the use of coordinate-system, if is false, 
			View, Trap, Move and other functions will not be available)
			<enable> true </enable>
			<!-- 是否管理y轴? 注:管理y轴,则View、Trap等功能有了高度,当space内的实体较少时比较好用,
				(is maintenance Y axis? Note: Management y axis, View、Trap and other functions with the height,
				When the entity space within little more useful when, Otherwise, 
				the management of the y-axis will produce some consumption
			<rangemgr_y> false </rangemgr_y>

			<!-- 实体位置停止发生改变后,引擎继续向客户端更新tick次的位置信息,为0则总是更新。-->
			<entity_posdir_additional_updates> 5 </entity_posdir_additional_updates>
		<!-- Telnet服务, 如果端口被占用则向后尝试50001.. 
			(Telnet service, if the port is occupied backwards to try 50001)
			<port> 50000 </port>
			<password> kbe </password>
			<!-- 命令默认层 
				(layer of default the command)
			<default_layer> python </default_layer>
		<!-- 服务端关闭过程的参数 
			(Parameter server shutdown process)
			<!-- 每秒销毁有base部分的entity的数量
				(In per-seconds, The destruction of the number of entity's(has base))
			<perSecsDestroyEntitySize> 15 </perSecsDestroyEntitySize>
		<!-- 谁是观察者? 玩家就是观察者,观察到的信息会同步给客户端。
			(Who is witness? Player is witness, The observed information will be synchronized to the client.
			Developers can be designed to: Activation (NPC / Monster) AI was observed when, This can reduce server CPU consumption.
			see also: Entity.onWitnessed.
			<!-- 当一个实体不再被观察者观察之后,实体并不会马上恢复为未被观察状态,在timeout(秒)时间范围内没有再次被观察则重置状态 
				(When the observer to stop observing entity, Entity does not recovery immediately to the initial-state,
				Not observed before timeout again, the recovery state.)
			<timeout> 15 </timeout>										<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- 入口模块, 相当于main函数 
			(Entry module, like the main-function)
		<entryScriptFile> kbengine </entryScriptFile>

		<!-- 接口网卡的名称
			(Name of the interface(NIC)) 
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<externalInterface>  </externalInterface>						<!-- Type: String -->

		<!-- 外部IP地址或者域名,在某些机房的环境下,可能会使用端口映射的方式来访问内部kbe服务器,那么kbe在当前
			(External IP address, In some server environment, May use the port mapping to access KBE,
			So KBE on current machines on the external IP address may be a LAN IP address, Then some functions will not normal.
			For example: account activation email address given callback.)
		<externalAddress>  </externalAddress>								<!-- Type: String -->

		<!-- 暴露给客户端的端口范围
			(Exposed to the client port range) 
		<externalPorts_min> 20015 </externalPorts_min>							<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<externalPorts_max> 20019 </externalPorts_max>							<!-- Type: Integer -->

		<!-- 自动存档的时间周期
			(Automatic archiving time period) 
		<archivePeriod> 100 </archivePeriod> 								<!-- Type: Float -->
		<!-- 自动备份的时间
			(Automatic backup time period) 
		<backupPeriod> 10 </backupPeriod>								<!-- Type: Float -->
		<!-- 是否备份未定义的属性
			(Whether backup undefined property) 
		<backUpUndefinedProperties> 0 </backUpUndefinedProperties>					<!-- Type: Boolean -->

		<!-- 负载平衡滤波器指标值
			(Load balancing Smoothing Bias value) 
		<loadSmoothingBias> 0.01 </loadSmoothingBias>

		<!-- 资源下载带宽限制
			(Download bandwidth limits) 
			<bitsPerSecondTotal> 1000000 </bitsPerSecondTotal>					<!-- Type: Int -->
			<bitsPerSecondPerClient> 100000 </bitsPerSecondPerClient>				<!-- Type: Int -->

		<!-- entityID分配器,进入溢出范围则请求获取新的ID资源 
			(The entityID allocator, enter the overflow area will get the new ID's)
			<criticallyLowSize> 500 </criticallyLowSize>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- 当灾难发生后,baseapp进行灾难恢复时,每次恢复entity的数量 
			(When after the disaster, When baseapp recovery, Each time the number of recovery entity's)
		<entityRestoreSize> 32 </entityRestoreSize>
		<!-- 程序的性能分析
			(Analysis of program performance) 
			<!-- 如果设置为true,引擎启动时就会开始记录相关profile信息, 进程退出后将导出一份报告 
				(if is true, Engine start is completed, start to record profile information, 
				Process exit will export a report.)
			<cprofile> false </cprofile>
			<pyprofile> false </pyprofile>
			<eventprofile> false </eventprofile>
			<mercuryprofile> false </mercuryprofile>
		<!-- listen监听队列最大值
		    (listen: Maximum listen queue)
		<!-- Telnet服务, 如果端口被占用则向后尝试40001.. 
			(Telnet service, if the port is occupied backwards to try 40001)
			<port> 40000 </port>
			<password> kbe </password>
			<!-- 命令默认层 
				(layer of default the command)
			<default_layer> python </default_layer>
		<!-- 服务端关闭过程的参数 
			(Parameter server shutdown process)
			<!-- 每秒销毁base的数量
				(The destroy of the per-seconds base's)
			<perSecsDestroyEntitySize> 15 </perSecsDestroyEntitySize>
			<!-- 缓冲区大小也等于资源大小, 在这个KB大小范围以内的资源才可以进入资源池 
				(Buffer size is equal to the size of resources, 
				Less than the buffer resources before they can enter the resource pool)
			<buffer_size> 1024 </buffer_size>
			<!-- 资源池中的资源超过这个时间未被访问则销毁(秒) 
			(Resources have not been accessed overtime will be destroyed (s))
			<timeout> 600 </timeout>
			<!-- 资源池检查tick(秒) 
				(Resource pool check tick (secs))
		<!-- 接口网卡的名称
			(Name of the interface(NIC)) 
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<!-- 接口网卡的名称
			(Name of the interface(NIC)) 
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<!-- 接口网卡的名称
			(Name of the interface(NIC)) 
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<externalInterface>  </externalInterface>						<!-- Type: String -->
		<!-- 外部IP地址或者域名,在某些机房的环境下,可能会使用端口映射的方式来访问内部kbe服务器,那么kbe在当前
			(External IP address, In some server environment, May use the port mapping to access KBE,
			So KBE on current machines on the external IP address may be a LAN IP address, Then some functions will not normal.
			For example: account activation email address given callback.)
		<externalAddress>  </externalAddress>							<!-- Type: String -->

		<!-- 暴露给客户端的端口范围
			(Exposed to the client port range) 
		<externalPorts_min> 20013 </externalPorts_min>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<externalPorts_max> 0 </externalPorts_max>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- 加密登录信息
			(The encrypted user login information)
			可选择的加密方式(Optional encryption):
				0: 无加密(No Encryption)
				1: Blowfish
				2: RSA (res\key\kbengine_private.key)
		<encrypt_login> 2 </encrypt_login>
		<!-- listen监听队列最大值
		    (listen: Maximum listen queue)
		<!-- 账号的类型					(Account types)
			1: 普通账号				(Normal Account)
			2: email账号(需要激活)			(Email Account, Note: activation required.)
			3: 智能账号(自动识别Email, 普通号码等)	(Smart Account (Email or Normal, etc.))
		<account_type> 3 </account_type>
		<!-- http回调接口,处理认证、密码重置等 
			(Http-callback interface, handling authentication, password reset, etc.)
		<http_cbhost> localhost </http_cbhost>
		<http_cbport> 21103 </http_cbport>
		<!-- 暴露给客户端的端口范围
			(Exposed to the tools port range) 
		<externalPorts_min> 20099 </externalPorts_min>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<externalPorts_max> 0 </externalPorts_max>						<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- 接口网卡的名称
			(Name of the interface(NIC)) 
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>
		<!-- loginapp地址 
			(loginapp address)
		<host> localhost </host>								<!-- Type: String -->
		<port> 20013 </port>									<!-- Type: Integer -->
		<!-- 默认启动进程后自动添加这么多个机器人 
			(After starting the process, automatically add some robots)
			totalcount	: 添加总数量			(Add the total-number)
			ticktime	: 每次添加所用时间(s)	(Interval time-secs)
			tickcount	: 每次添加数量			(Each time you add the number of)
			<totalcount> 10  </totalcount>							<!-- Type: Integer -->
			<ticktime> 0.1  </ticktime>							<!-- Type: Float -->
			<tickcount> 2  </tickcount>							<!-- Type: Integer -->

		<!-- 机器人账号相关 
			(about bots-accounts)
			<!-- 机器人账号名称的前缀 
				(The account name prefix)
			<account_name_prefix>		bot_	</account_name_prefix>
			<!-- 机器人账号名称的后缀递增, 0使用随机数递增, 否则按照baseNum填写的数递增 
				(The account name suffix, 0 is the use of random number, Otherwise, use baseNum and increasing.)
			<account_name_suffix_inc>	0		</account_name_suffix_inc><!-- Type: Integer -->

		<!-- Telnet服务, 如果端口被占用则向后尝试51001.. 
			(Telnet service, if the port is occupied backwards to try 51001)
			<port> 51000 </port>
			<password> kbe </password>
			<!-- 命令默认层 
				(layer of default the command)
			<default_layer> python </default_layer>
		<!-- 接口网卡的名称
			(Name of the interface(NIC)) 
		<internalInterface>  </internalInterface>

		<!-- 单个app(baseapp, cellapp, 等等..)进程上, 一个tick最多缓存的log数量
			(The number of single-process(baseapp, cellapp, etc..), The number of log a tick buffer.) 
		<tick_max_buffered_logs> 65535 </tick_max_buffered_logs>

		<!-- 单个app(baseapp, cellapp, 等等..)进程上, 一个tick同步给logger的log数量
			(The number of single-process(baseapp, cellapp, etc..), A tick synchronization to the number of logger) 
		<tick_sync_logs> 32 </tick_sync_logs>